Pack 1519 Calendar

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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Pack 1519 Wreaths Across America

From Webelos Leader Todd Wheeler


Pack 1519 encourages all Scouts to participate in the annual "Wreaths Across America" event on Saturday, December 14, 2019.  At this event, participants place wreaths on the headstones of our fallen soldiers and say the name of each veteran aloud as an act of honor and remembrance. 

"REMEMBER the fallen... HONOR those who serve... TEACH our children the value of freedom."

There are two local events that you and your Scout may attend:
  • Alexandria National Cemetery - 1450 Wilkes Street, Alexandria, VA, 22314 - 12:00 PM:  This is a lovely event.  However, because the cemetery is relatively small, you must be sure to arrive early if you want to be sure to lay a wreath or two. The event begins promptly at 12:00 PM, and is over within a matter of minutes!  There is usually a traditional band and apple cider available.  Find your other Pack 1519 scouts near the flagpole inside the cemetery.  You may find it easiest to park at the Whole Foods Market, 1700 Duke Street, Alexandria, and make the short walk over to the cemetery.
  • Arlington National Cemetery - 8:30 AM:  This event is obviously much larger that the Alexandria event, so your Scout will have the opportunity to lay as many wreaths as he wishes.  However, the event does start rather early in the morning.  Also, there is usually a massive crowd, and Arlington cemetery is a vast place, so parents must be sure to monitor their children closely, especially on the Metro platforms and upon arrival at the cemetery.  Arlington cemetery is an awesome, sacred place and will be an unforgettable experience for you and your Scout.  Take the Metro blue line from Franconia-Springfield station to Arlington National Cemetery. 
I encourage Scouts and parents to discuss within their Dens which of the above events they might want to attend.  I have encouraged my WEBELOS to do either event.  Myself and some of the WEBELOS scouts will be going to the Arlington event; and will be meeting at the Franconia-Springfield Metro station at 8:00 AM on Saturday, December 14.  Others are welcome to join us if you like!


Scouts should be looking smart in their Class A uniform, and should be reminded in advance that this is a solemn event that requires their utmost respect, courtesy, and good behavior.  No running and playing on the cemetery grounds!

SPONSOR A WREATH:  Finally you may sponsor a wreath by making a donation through the Wreaths Across America website, located here:  

As always, thank you for your support of Pack 1519!

Pack 1519 Pinewood Derby on Saturday February 8, 2020

From Arrow of Light Leader Zac Odom:

Hello Pack 1519 Racers!!

Pack 1519’s annual Pinewood Derby will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2020, at 10:00 AM at the U.S. Coast Guard Base, 7323 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA, 22315.

We will need a list of all persons who will be coming to the Derby with your party (i.e., scout, parents, siblings, guests), so that I can include them on the guest list, which I need to provide to the Coast Guard Station by Friday, January 24.  I need the first and last name of each person attending. Please go to the SignUpGenius link at to add names to the attendee list.

 We will be assigning car numbers later in December. Please ensure that the assigned number is firmly attached to the top of your Scout’s car using the number stickers that are included in the Pinewood Derby kit.

This is our premier pack event and we want to make it memorable for our scouts and we need YOUR help!  Please see SignUpGenius link for volunteer opportunities.
Any and all help is much appreciated!

The Woodcraft store in Springfield will be cutting Pinewood Derby cars on Saturday Jan 11, from 10-1:30. Before the scouts can get their cars cut, they need to get a free coupon from the Northern Virginia Scout store next door. These will be simple cuts due to the large number of cars they will be cutting.

Ravensworth Shopping Center 5248 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22151

 The Pinewood Derby Rules can be found here. For quick reference, the basic car specification requirements are as follows:

· Width not to exceed 2-3/4”- Width between wheels must be at least 1-3/4”
· Length not to exceed 7”
· Height not to exceed 3”
· Weight not to exceed 5.000 oz.
· Wheelbase must be 4-3/8”
·Clearance between bottom of car and track must be at least 3/8”
In addition to awards for the top racers (Pack and Racing Group), design awards will be given in the following categories, as voted on by the Scouts:
* Most Creative
* Best Paint Job
* Cubbiest (looks the most like the Scout did it himself)

 Cars must be checked in on one of the following dates:

• Tue Jan 21, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM [Hayfield Cafeteria]
• Tue Jan 28, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM [Hayfield Cafeteria]

All cars must be checked in on one of the above two dates. Cars will be measured and weighed to ensure that they meet the prescribed specifications, and that all four of the car’s wheels touch the track surface. Once the cars pass inspection and are checked in, the cars will be impounded until after the event is complete. We highly recommend that you do not wait until the last minute to check in your Scout’s car, so that you will have time to make adjustments if necessary.  If you absolutely cannot make either of the above two dates, please let me know and we can try to make alternate arrangements; however, no cars will be accepted after 8:30 PM on Tue, Jan 28.

Siblings are also invited to race – we will have a separate race for them!  If any scout or sibling needs a car kit, we have about 10 extras that will be available at  7423 Salford Court, Alexandria .  The cost is $5 per kit. The cars will be outside in a box with an envelope to pay on the honor system.

Any questions or concerns, please contact me at the e-mail address below.

Good luck!!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Pack 1519 Meets for Pie

On Friday 11/15/19 Pack 1519 met to talk about gratitude, award some Bobcats, and see some grown-ups get PIE IN THE FACE!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Pack 1519 Scouts for Food

On the morning of Saturday 11/2/19, Pack 1519 scouted for food! Scouts placed notices on the front doors of houses in our neighborhood asking neighbors to set out food next Saturday as donations for local food banks.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

10/26/19 Pack 1519 Fall Day Outside

On Saturday 10/26/19 Pack 1519 convened for a Fall Day Outside at Mason Neck State Park. Scouts learned about knots, building a camp fire, playing games and more!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Games Tigers Play

Pack 1519 Tigers met on Tue 10/22/19 to learn about Games Tigers Play!