Pack 1519 Calendar

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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Pack 1519 Blue and Gold Banquet (3 pm- 6 pm on Sun 2/23/20)

Friendly reminder: the Pack 1519 Blue and Gold banquet convenes on Sun 2/23 from 3 pm to 6 pm. If you didn't get a chance to buy tickets during the Pinewood Derby, can still do so here.

Todd Wheeler is leading the Webelos to put together this year's Blue and Gold. As part of the program they are presenting a slide show. If you have any photos of Pack 1519 scouts in action (especially photos of our current Arrows, who will be bridging over to Troop 1519 during the banquet), please send them to Todd here

Deadline to purchase tickets to this year's Blue and Gold banquet is this Sun 2/16. Look forward to seeing everybody there!

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